понедельник, 18 февраля 2019 г.

Google plus anmelden

Bei Google Plus anmelden / registrieren

google plus anmelden

For an explanation about this change, see. You include a scope in certain authorization requests, which then displays appropriate permissions text in a consent dialog that is presented to a user. Once the user consents to the permissions, Google sends your app tokens, which identify the specific authorization grant. Sobald man eingelocht ist, kann man die Funktionen von Google+ nutzen. You access the email addresses by calling , which returns the array.

Authorizing API requests

google plus anmelden

An app that makes unauthenticated calls where no scope is requested can access only user data that is public on. To programmatically revoke access for any given access token, see the instructions for , and. Google generates new tokens with this scope for the people. . The following scopes, with user consent, provide access to otherwise restricted user data.

Bei Google Plus anmelden / registrieren

google plus anmelden

Scope - fully qualified name Description Login scopes profile This is the basic login scope. You might use this technique if you suspect users are not signing in because your consent screen is overwhelming, or are confused as to why they are being asked for certain permissions. Also see the related scope:. This is useful for server-side applications, or web applications that do not require the user to sign in with Google. Authorizing requests with Google+ Sign-In Google+ Sign-In is now deprecated in favor of Sign in with Google. Ich habe ein Google-Konto, und irgendwie bin auch in Google+ hineingeraten, will das aber gar nicht, habe jetzt alle möglichen Hilfethemen abgesucht und alles probiert: Es gelingt mir einfach nicht, aus Google+ wieder herauszukommen. Also see the related scope.

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google plus anmelden

For more details about access to the domain name, see the scope. Users can go directly to the authorization manager at and revoke access. Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the , and code samples are licensed under the. Als nächstes wird man auf eine Seite weitergeleitet, in der man seine E-Mail Adresse und sein Passwort eintragen muss. The domain name is returned as the property from people. This will be a progressive shutdown, with intermittent failures starting as early as January 28, 2019.

Bei Google+ an

google plus anmelden

Vielleicht hat jemand einen Lösungsvorschlag? Also see the related scope:. Note: This scope is deprecated; however, it will be maintained and kept available for backward compatibility. For example, if your app allows users to save music playlists to Google Drive, you can ask for basic user information at sign-in, and later ask just for Google Drive permissions when the user is ready to save their first playlist. Last updated December 7, 2018. In other words, the scopes and tokens determine what user data the user gives your app permission to access. Google darf niemals zu viel Macht erhalten, um Datenmissbrauch durch Unternehmen und Regierungen zu vermeiden! Hinweis: Wenn Sie sich im Webbrowser in einem anderen Google-Produkt angemeldet haben, sind Sie auch schon in Google+ angemeldet. At this point, the consent dialog box asks the user only for the new permissions, which gives them a simpler, in-context decision to make.

Start Integrating Google Sign

google plus anmelden

Wenn Sie ein öffentliches oder gemeinsam genutztes Gerät verwenden, vergessen Sie nicht, sich abzumelden, damit niemand anderes auf Ihr Konto zugreifen kann. This will also revoke any associated refresh token. Note: This scope is deprecated; however, it will be maintained and kept available for backward compatibility. For an explanation about this change, see. This email scope is equivalent to and replaces the scope.

Bei Google+ an

google plus anmelden

Please visit documentation to learn about Sign in with Google. Incremental authorization Google supports incremental authorization, which enables your app to request initial permissions at sign-in and later can request additional permissions, typically just before they are needed. Nachdem Sie sich angemeldet haben, können Sie Konten zu Ihrem Google+ Profil hinzufügen oder daraus entfernen. For implementation, see incremental authorization for or. Du musst nicht dein Google Konto löschen, sondern nur das Google Profil. Nicht zu glauben, aber wahr.

Bei Google+ an

google plus anmelden

This scope requests access to the user's Google account email address. In diesem Video möchte ich euch zeigen, wie man sich bei Google+ anmeldet. Google+ integrations for and will also cease to function March 7, 2019. Tipp: Wenn Sie Ihren Nutzernamen oder Ihr Passwort vergessen haben, können Sie Ihr. This scope is equivalent to the scope and requests access to the same data.

Bei Google Plus anmelden / registrieren

google plus anmelden

This feature can improve your sign-in conversion rate if you configure your initial scopes to be only the minimum that your app requires to get the user started. Authorization scopes Scopes are strings that enable access to particular resources, such as user data. This scope also requests access from the user to the userinfo endpoint for backward compatibility. Um Google+ zu benutzen muss man natürlich eingeloggt sein. . .

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